Welcome to FitBuddy

We are connecting inexperienced gym users with experienced gym-goers

Our idea

FitBuddy connects inexperienced gym users with experienced people who go to the gym on a regular basis for cheaper than a personal trainer's cost. Our service would target all gendered students aged between 17-25, who currently study at the University of Warwick, however later in the future we are planning to expand our service to other universities as well.

A solution to a problem

We came across several problems which encouraged us to come up with FitBuddy. Firstly, hiring a personal trainer for 1 hour costs £49 at Warwick, which most students cannot afford. Also, many students feel uncomfortable using the machines and therefore don’t go to the gym. Additionally, some students do not have anyone around who could keep them motivated and consistent. With the help of our service, customers will be provided with all the instructions they require and personal help through their fitness journey for a cheaper price.